It was a quite long time when I am posting something new I was recently working on deploying the apps through TestFlight. How can we deploy the apps for external and internal users.
How to Add testers
Log into iTunes connect
Create a new application upload the app to iTunes
Under Prerelease you can add the external email Id
When email is checked in iTunes connect under Prerelease an invitation is send to the user
In iTunes Manage Accounts the user you invite for internal testing role can also be seen under Prerelease you can check on/off the users whom you want to invite. Limit for internal testers 25 per account
When you are done with internal testing now it is time for beta testing add beta tester by adding emails addresses, limit to beta testers is 1000 per account
Testing invitation expires after 30 days
When users downloads the app from invitation you can see that from iTunes Connect
FAQ on TestFlight
When user receives an invitation from email if TestFlight app is not there it takes the user to app store to download the app.
Install app on iOS device
User should have the TestFlight app
TestFlight app open the link from received email and shows an option to download the beta app for testing.
User can click on install app from TestFlight
If there is a new version available to the app it will overwrite the version you have in device.
If user has live version and you receive an invitation for the same app for beta testing it will update the your live app to beta and vice versa
This is how testFlight works with Apple
TestFlight is acquired by Apple but if it also works as it used to be you can visit the TestFlight site register with them and create apps there for deployment but those will not work with iTunes.
Limitations: TestFlight with iTunes can work for Appstore deployments
If you want to share apps for Enterprise you can directly create account with TestFlight this has no relation with iTunesConnect